Gynotal® Obstetric Gel for Safe Childbirth Facilitation...

  •  25/12/2024 11:18 AM

Gynotal® Obstetric Gel for Safe Childbirth Facilitation

Digital Ovulation Test Surearly™ is a smart digital system that detects luteinizing hormone (LH) and shows the result clearly and legibly on the display.This test is used as an aid to diagnose ovulation.

  •  18/08/2024 08:58 AM

Digital Ovulation Test Surearly™ is a smart digital system that detects luteinizing hormone (LH) and shows the result clearly and legibly on the display.This test is used as an aid to diagnose ovulation.

PartoSure TTD TestTo aid in the diagnosis of preterm labor (PTL).

  •  18/08/2024 08:44 AM

A more accurate assessment to identify those truly at risk of preterm labour.

AmniSure ROM Test (Rupture of [fetal] Membranes test)For the detection of PAMG-1 in amniotic fluid found in vaginal discharge of pregnant women

  •  16/06/2020 12:00 AM

AmniSure ROM Test (Rupture of [fetal] Membranes test)For the detection of PAMG-1 in amniotic fluid found in vaginal discharge of pregnant women